Is There Anything as Kid’s Menu?

Actualizado: 6 de jul de 2022

Is there anything as kid’s menu? I honestly think no, kids in my opinion should be used to eat everything, from healthy foods to fancy meals. It is just matter of setting a good example and getting them used to eat a variety of options. 

Is kimchi for kids? As Koreans. Can they eat spicy foods? As my kids who have grown eating Mexican food. Is milk chocolate better for them rather than bitter dark? Europeans might disagree.

If you are complaining your kids don’t eat veggies, think to yourself, are you a good example? We eat lots of veggies at home and healthy, but I am not perfect, I have failed in some things with my 7yo. We are not big fish lovers (except raw in ceviche) so I don’t cook it as much, so now when I randomly do, he doesn’t want it. I know we all dislike things, and it’s ok to try it a few times and decide it’s not for you, but I believe with fish at least it was because he wasn’t used to it.

This time around with my baby girl I want to learn from mistakes, so I cooked lunch for the two of us using salmon, which it is a fish I didn’t liked. She loved it and I was surprised with it as well. I served it with Brussel sprouts and alfalfa sprouts. Since I was a little girl alfalfa sprouts with lime as a snack (weird huh?). I had prepared some for myself and set it on her plate, as an experiment and she shoved it down, so give your kid the opportunity to try all things and don’t fall for the idea of kids only eat kids food. 

There is nothing wrong for your kid to love nuggets or pizza ( my boy looooves pizza), and eat if it is eating from time to time, but don’t fall on the mistake of offering only that and when going out try to avoid kid’s menu. We are foodies and love to travel, and I love to see that other places we’ve been such as we Europe or even back home to Mexico there rarely is a kid’s menu, which teaches kids to go out of their comfort zone and try new things!

Our palate likes and dislikes things but many times is also getting used to flavors and textures. This time, with two new additions at our table I will I do my best to be a good example.


#kids #healthykids #healthyhabits