The 4th Trimester and 10 Postpartum Things I Wished I Knew!

Actualizado: 6 de jul de 2022

A few days ago I had my 6 week postpartum appointment. I don’t plan having more kids so it felt like graduating from a special degree. I was glad not having to deal again with all postpartum issues no one talks about! 

When I had my first kid I was surprised with all the pain,mental and physical recovery, physical and lifestyle changes. I never knew then about the 4th trimester and I wish I had!

You might not be carrying a baby on your belly but your body and baby for sure will be undergoing lots of changes. If I knew this with my first one this, I would have created less pressure, expect less and prepared more.

Our little blessings makes us forget all negative and although I try to focus  on the good, I believe women are caught off guard like me, so we need to talk more about this issues! Here is a list of things no one talks about postpartum issues I wished I knew about; feel free to post your own in the comment section: 

1- Breastfeeding is natural but not easy at all, and honestly it is not for everyone.

2- Make sure to take a stool softener after delivery ... believe me, do it! 

3- What is all about the night sweats?! My nurse told me that our body needs to get rid of all the fluids accumulated during pregnancy and if you had a c-section you will have more on your system. 

4- Your carpal tunnel and feet swelling might get worst before getting better.

5- Loosing weight might be hard, even if you are BF, I even gained a few pounds with my first two pregnancies.

6- Your hormones will be driving you nuts! I didn’t had postpartum depression, but baby blues are real and for me it was being annoyed at everyone and everything, 

7- You will shed more hair than your dog.

8- Moisturize your belly after delivery, I never had stretch marks while pregnant, all are postpartum.

9- Hormonal changes can create issues with your sex drive bothe ways ;) and/or dryness , especially if breastfeeding.  

10- You are not done yet, you are just getting started, so don’t expect things to be as they where but embrace change and motherhood .. once you do all things cited on this list will fade away 💞 

#postpartum #motherhood